Mobile Phone Policy
November 26, 2022 2022-12-14 13:50Mobile Phone Policy
Mobile Phone Policy
If a cadet wants to bring a mobile phone to the hostel, he may do so on the following conditions:
- Only one cellphone may be brought.
- It must be kept under the custody of the concerned House Master.
- It is to be used only on Sunday.
- It must be of the simplest type – it should have no camera, module memory or module games.
- THCC shall not be held responsible for its loss or damage while in the possession of the student.
- Any breach of the above regulation will result in the loss of this privilege.
- Infringement of any of the above conditions will be regarded as a serious breach of College discipline; and, it may result in the suspension or expulsion of the cadet.
I _________________________, parent of Cadet ____________________have read and accept the above regulations, and understand that serious disciplinary action may be taken if I violate any of the conditions or rules stated above.
Signature of Parent/Guardian
Date: ____________________
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